Ruth Gerzon
Areas of interest and expertise
For over 30 years I worked to promote community development, inclusion and social justice, nationally, regionally and locally in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
As a Pākeha based in an area of the country with a high Maori population I have been especially interested in the the effects of colonisation and the role of Pākeha in giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, a document that speaks to all New Zealanders.
With my colleague, Tepora Emery, I have moved beyond the traditional “Treaty training” to develop a new workshop Towards Equity: Improving Outcomes for Maori. This supported services to examine the effects of colonisation on both the people they support and on the service itself, and to consider how to mitigate these through the supports they provide.
I used writing, photography and video clips to promote the voices of disabled people with a learning disability and to communicate their rights. I supported the setting up of the national organisation of People First, and used community building approaches in the Bay of Plenty to reduce stigma and discrimination around mental illness.
I developed and facilitated short courses and workshops in community building in the disability sector, advocacy, and inclusion. All training included a practicum component so new learning was immediately put into effect,benefiting the people who use services.
Now I am retired, I am keen to share the training materials and workshops with anyone else interested in this work.
From 2016-2022, I worked in my home district of the Eastern Bay of Plenty, with a group of seniors/pakeke setting up a new community building organisation to alleviate isolation and vulnerability among seniors/pakeke. This is called Eastern Bay Villages: Te Kokoru Manaakitanga. To find out more click here.