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The Inclusion Project

  • The Inclusion Project aimed to ensure disabled people in a rest home setting were supported to use their strengths and gifts to contribute to their communities of choice. It was based on the belief that all people, no matter how severe their disability,  need to be supported to have a ‘good life’, based on their individual strengths, gifts and abilities.  


  • The Project was delivered in 2016 at Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital in Epsom, Auckland. This Project aligned with Elizabeth’s Knox’s Eden Alternative. This counters the three plagues of ‘loneliness, helplessness and boredom’ through ensuring residents can contribute to their community. It creates ‘the opportunity to give as well as receive care’, and is based on the premise that ‘having the opportunity to do things that we find meaningful is essential to human health’.


  • Many new opportunities were explored and relationships built with the local primary school, preschool,  and Communuity Shed. A number of residents took a course in how to teach English as a Second Language and began to use these skills to help new immigrants. â€‹

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